Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Love...

I've met someone. I won't tell you how or where. I'll just tell you how long I've known him, his name is Drew. A teacher at St.Michael. He teaches science and other classes. Science being his favorite. I've known him since last year May 2005 and have gotten to know him even more these last few months of this year, 2006. It's almost as if I've known him for years. I've never been so comfortable with someone. I've never been so "in-love" with another. Having met him with so much in common, things you want to share, do, how two people can think so a-like. It's funny, we laugh at things we've thought about, things we were going to say or do. It's like God has finally answered my prayers and sent him to me. There is a God and he listens! I've never been so happy! I can't help it, what's not to smile about. I have two beautiful twin daughter's who are wild about him, but could take more time getting to know him. He love's my daughter's and especially he love's me. I can't imagine spending the rest of my years getting to know him more and more every second, minute, hour, day, weeks, months and years to know him wholey. I can give him that, I have time, I have patiences...and I'm In-Love with My Love,...My Darling Drew. I Love You. :) Skylar and A-Drana call him," Drew Daddy!, My Dew!" You all gotta hear them, you can't help put say," Aaawwww, how cute!" Lol. He's awesome with the two of them. A hand full at times, but he loves them just the same. After a month of him taking care of the both of them, getting up early on weekday's so he can be at work on-time, and girls off to a sitter in the early mornings before school, he did it. He survived a whole month with the two little rascals! They've learned lots from him, with the little time spent with him. He even taught them after school, got them to go to bed early (with putting up many fights), got them to love books, routines. Well, there's still plenty for them to learn, but in the month that he's had them, they've surprised me! And I can't tell him thank you enough!

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