Thursday, November 30, 2006

Spring target shooting

We've been trying to update the blog when we can. Now that we have our own laptop at home we have access to the internet at home. Thanks to my lovely man,... ;) he got us this beautiful laptop. So now I've been entering pictures we've taken over the year. These here were taken this April. We went for a little walk to the northside beach to do some target shooting with the 22. Girls had fun, with a little help from dad, they hit the target! also a very cute picture of Drew and Skylar hand in hand. Awwww! There was this small little pond we walked through to get to the beach, we thought that it was kewl to see through it. It was thick, clear, all kinds of shapes, bubbles and cracks to ooo and aawwww at!

Girls on treadmill!!!!!!!

After Drew ran his 30 minutes, the girls thought it looked like fun and wanted to do their share of running too. Adriana ran like she knew all about the treadmill. She was showing off, using one hand on the handle bar, fixing her hair to walking without her hands on the handle bars! Go Ana! Skylar was a little afraid of it, she did alright just about a minute and she quit. Adrianawas so excited, she changed into shorts! Too Cute!

Turkey Tournament

Well, every year for as long as i've played with my team, the Stebbins Timberwolves, always been close! You see, we're all related, all cousins! which is god, we know one another and we know how everyone plays their game. Here you will see us and a picture of Drew, this year is his second year with th St.Michael (over 35+) Braves. Which I think he should be playing with a younger team, being he's NOT over 35 years old. Our team came in second place this year. Drew's team came in 4th, I think.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cross Country-Pete Style

Zachary and Kenny did cross country running this year. It Seem's as if Zach is following in his older brother's foot steps Louis and Dan-Dan. Both of which came in 1st place pretty much through out high school! Dan always had the crowd behind him, always quick on his feet. You should see him on the basketball court! Here's Zach and Kenny side by side at the Unalakleet Invitational X-country running meet. Oh, Zach is #37 and Kenny #36! Congradulation to Zach, he came in 1st place! Woo Hoo!

The Rescue

After the rescue of Ipuq! If you look close and hard enough, you can see the little blue raft at the bottom of the cliff... Focus, focus, focus, there you see it!? You can actually see Drew in a picture I took from the bottom of the river, looking up. He's behind some trees. That's me down there thinking," I'm happy I kept my butt in the raft!" It was very warm out that afternoon and the sun was shining hot! (sigh) I nearly had a heart attack watching them from down there. Poor dog was stuck on this teeny tiny little rock, very brave dog!

Nabesna "Cliff Hanger"

Well, almost like the movie Cliff Hanger! Drew, Kim and Ipuq the cliff rescue of a life time! I'm sooooo happy I kept my behind in the raft. Beside's I was sun bathing the whole time the two were climbing this steap hillside on a rescue mission to save Ipuq. Thats the hillside behind us.

The Five Dancing Princesses

A couple of weeks ago, our girls had some company over, Autumn Austin, Haley Ambrose and Sharae Richardson. All the girls close in age. I teased Drew," Can you imagine having Quintuplits?!" He looked as if he saw a ghost and that I was crazy! LOL!!!!! The expression on his face was priceless! The girls had a great time, played with the ferret, poor little guy was so worn out, he slept the whole entire night until the next day. Drew was at the school reffing a volleyball game...he snuck out and stayed at the school and left me home with seven (7) kids in the house. with me baking bread, carmel rolls and making homemade pizza for the kids!!!!!!!! Hehehehe! Just giving him crap, I can do that! We all had fun! Left to right, Autumn Austin, Sharae Richardson, Adriana, Skylar and Hailey.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Summer time Fun

We had a mildly warm summer this year. Not too hot, not to cold...but Just Right! We decided it was time to go for a swim since the sun was out and the water was warm. We had a hard time convincing Adriana there's nothing to be afraid of. That there's nothing frightening in the water. We told her it's shallow, warm, that Skylar's having a good time. But still, she kept on crying and fought to get in the water.

Spring herring eggs

We've been trying to keep our posts up to are some pictures from this spring, herring season. Here you will see Drew picking the herring eggs off the rocks and enjoying them! Delicious!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Parka Project

I've always wanted my own Alaska Native Parka, custom made by one of the "experts" here in Alaska. Never thought that would be me. Drew and I have been talking about making a parka since last winter, now that winter is's time to get busy sewing! We're making our parka's out of Icelandic sheep skin (grey in color). I'm making my shell out of heavy cotton velvet, (merlot/burgundy in color) with a beautiful matching trim for the cuffs, pockets and bottom half of the parka. Mine will be a full zip parka. Drew's doing his with heavy, waterproof canvas, one in white and another in black outer shells, half zip parka. Both of our parka ruffs will be made of beaver, wolf and wolverine. Also for both parka's we'll trim the cuffs with beaver. We have our hands full, it's fun to have a small project on the side, especially to make your very own parka, CUSTOM MADE BY ALASKANS!!!!!!!! Lol!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Winter Snow Babes!

Future wrestlers of St.Michael/Stebbins!!!! Ok, maybe not...Drew can dream! Adriana always gotta bully her older twin,...thats Skylar on the bottom with Adriana sitting on top of her! Adriana being the clever little monkey that she is, she was thinking of what to do to her sister who is laying on her snowball...."Hmmm, what should I do to my sister while she's down?!" The whole time Adriana is sitting on Skylar, Skylar is screaming and laughing,"Get off me,mama sister on me!!" It's all too cute and funny! At the end their all smiles! These were taken sunday afternoon.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!! May the spooks be with you, LOL!!!!!! Here's our Two Little Monkies! " One little ,two little Monkies.....jumping on the bed, one fell off and one laughed her butt off!!!!!" Here you will see my neice Alaina in the pumpkin costume and our cousin Maria in the Dora the Explorer costume. My mom in the pink fleece and some of her grandchildren.