Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dinner and A Movie with Family

Brother Dan and I after watching Hangover at the movies, that was by far the funniest movie I have seen in a long time! This was at Totum theater.

The Girls....Addie,cousin Laurie and I after having dinner at TGI Fridays! That was a delicious dinner!

Cousin Jason,brother Dan and my son Lucas, poor baby was so tired and fussy!

the Boys, Jason and Dan, 1st cousins!

Addie,Cheers, enjoying a strawberry/lemonade with her dinner, with Dan-Dan.

Pete/Stevens/Luke Family

Cousins Jason Bennet and Laurie Bergeron (Luke) Jason is the son of Uncle Eddie Stevens and Laurie the daughter of David and Elsie Luke.

After dinner we all got a family picture, Jason,Addie,me,my son Lucas and brother Dan.

Us again.

Laurie,Lucas and I, poor son of mine was SO fussy and very tired at dinner.

Dan and silly cousin Jason.

Family Reunion

Here we are at the TGI Fridays in Anchorage, from L-R: Jason, our 1st cousin, we just learned about him this year. He is the son of my late Uncle Edward Stevens of St.Marys. He was adopted out to a family from Juneau when he was born! It was such a good visit with him. He looks so much like his biological dad and most is cousins! He met Dan and his words we're,"Yea I can see the resemblance between us." And chuckled. Dan,myself,Lucas and Addie. It was such a good dinner, we laughed and had a good time.

At the Dimond Center to meet Auntie Minnie,Jenah. Addie,Dan....

Here we are, the Pete family! It was so good to see my Aunt Minnie, haven't seen them in 2 years! Along with Stephanie and her daughter.

Dan at his new place in Wasilla. It's a HUGE place, like a mansion! It's a really nice place.

Dan in their kitchen where he'll be making and having all his meals. Lucas didn't mind him holding him, but when he got to Addie, he'd cry and want down.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Enjoying a summer watermelon after a hot day

Shania and Lucas enjoying a wouth watering watermelon after a very hot day out!

He was wanting to sit by Shania but eveytime he'd go near her, she'd move.

Going for a ride in the Dora mobile.

Goofy looking expressions! Lol...At least they're having fun.

He sure enjoyed the ride,the rode until the battery died!

Visiting Dan in Wasilla

Dan on 6/10/09,talking on the phone with brother Kenny in North Carolina!

Lucas was trying to pull Addie in the wagon, he gave up and looked for something else to play with.

Auntie Addie and Lucas,taking a stroll around Laurie's back yard.

All day he played and played till 12am! Where do they get all that energy from!

Auntie and Nephew enjoying the summer together.

Trip to Wasilla

He enjoyed playing at cousin Laurie's house,he played till 12pm! Full of energy!

All smiles on top of the world!

Wall climbing,Auntie Addie spotting him.

Shania,Addie and Lucas enjoying the summer weather.

Lucas three wheeling all over their back yard.

Trip To Anchorage

Dan,Lucas and Laurie's dog Rosie playing in the back yard.

Dan playing tug-o-war with the dog, Lucas looking on.

Just chillin',waiting for Dan at Target in Wasilla.

Our rental car, waiting for Dan in Wasilla outside Target.

Sleepy baby,on the plane to Anchorage.