Monday, February 18, 2008


We can only imagine and dream of what he'll turn out to be when he grows up, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, the first native american president...Or an NBA basketball player, a football player, a hockey player, a wrestler like his tough Pete Uncles or do cross country running and follow in his uncles Louis, Dan-Dan, Wilfred, Kenny, and Zachary's foot steps! Be just as tough and competitive on a wrestling mat as on a basketball court!

He's only 3 month's old and his wearing size 6-12 and 12-18 month clothing! We love him in this Nike sweater, he looks like a little tough guy in it, our little athletic Nike Baby!

Don't know why the camera on the computer makes everything look backwards, lol..EKIN!

Little Mr.Larrabee!

1 comment:

christine.marie22 said...

Candy after you take the picture you click on it and press the apple button and F button it will filp your pictures to make them look right I've been on it too much :) so yea how is everything down there man i was gonna go down there for Elks & Sockeye but we did not only our boys did so yea