Seeing Double? Maybe two sets of twins! This was too cute and funny, I teased Drew about this. I said," Can you imagine having two sets of twins? Maggie and Molly being our oldest, them looking like him with his genes and Skylar and Adriana looking like me with my genes?!" We just laughed and thought having a house full of kids would be fun! Maddie has a dark shirt on and Molly a green shirt. L-R: Adriana, Maggie, Skylar, Molly. Next one with L-R: Addie,Adriana,Maggie,Skylar,Molly. Can you tell the twins apart? Funny thing is...Maggie and Adriana get along well and act the same personality wise, their tomboyish voices and how much tougher they are from Skylar and Molly. Sky and Molly are so alike, girlish personality, loves looking cute and SO prissy! Lol! Too Cute!
Maggie and Molly have been coming to visit us and they love playing with Adriana and Skylar, oh, and out pets Jasper (siberian husky) and out cute little ferret Nanook. Well, when Addie came here, they stared to come over more, cause she's SO MUCH FUN! LOL! They came over Saturday to hang out after the kids bingo and the community bizaar to watch a couple of movies!
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